Tuesday 16 August 2011

Spiny plant

Top picture is the general view of the plant. It looks ordinary until you look up close, then you see the little spines poking out from the stem (lower pic).
Height: c. 2m
Leaves: Somewhere around 15 cm, looks crumpled up.
Notable stuff: Spines poking out at every axil

Mimosa Pudica

This is Mimosa Pudica: the Sensitive Plant, Touch-me-not, Shy Plant, whatever you call it.
I'm sure most of you readers have seen it before, and played with it too. It closes when you touch it, and it is the only 'mimosa' that does that.
Name: Mimosa Pudica
Height: Spreads near the ground
Reproduction: Seeds
Terrain: (Weed)
Flowers: Yes
Notable facts: The leaves closes when touched

Monday 8 August 2011

Taken at Royal Mulu Resort in Sarawak. This is one of the cases that the topic is not the plant, although it does look interesting. There's a lizard right in the middle, in case you did not notice. It stayed there for some time like a professional model for me and other people. Wouldn't have got the picture if it hadn't stayed there for long.
I got a hunch that it was a defence mechanism involving 'staying motionless until they look away', so I tried a little experiment. I looked away, and sure enough, it was zooming up the tree when I looked back.
Though, it could be that it just wanted to leave at that second, can't be sure.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


This one is a peculiar plant that I saw in Mulu.

See the way it curls up? And how all the leaves stick outwards? Notice that the leaves form a loop and the lower part of the stem where the leaves above could block out the sun simply lacked leaves? The leaves can receive the maximum amount of sunlight without blocking the other leaves, and it would have less force of gravity to deal with.